Casambi DMX Interface is a Bluetooth-controllable, Casambi-enabled, eight-channel DMX-512 dimmer that allows the connection of a standard DMX-512 master controller to a Casambi network. While the DMXcas is intended to connect to fixtures, the DMXcas is the “other side”, allowing for standard DMX controllers to be utilized with Casambi networks. The DMXcas is connected between a 12-24 VDC Class 2 power supply and a DMX master.
DMX can implement up to eight Casambi pushbutton devices, making it an ideal partner for RGBW and tunable white (TW) applications. Multiple DMXcas devices can be used in the same network to control different fixtures, channels, or zones since the 8 channels of control can be mapped using the Casambi mobile application.
Casambi DMX Interface
DMX can be configured with the Casambi app which can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Different Casambi-enabled products can be used from a simple one-luminaire direct control to a complete and full-featured light control system where up to 250 units form automatically an intelligent mesh network.